Living Joyfully


Hi Everyone,

Wow – I am loving this spring energy. Are you loving it too? We have so many sweet reminders this time of year (between the sneezes) of the deliciousness of being alive. When I smell the lilacs blooming, I’m reminded every day that the essence of our breathing practice in Yoga is ENJOYMENT.

Living Joyfully
(This is me and my daughter Ava enjoying the lilacs)

Some people think of Yoga as hard work, (and it can be). But what it’s really about is freeing us up to ENJOY OUR LIVES more fully. When we have a habit (sometimes called a practice) of gently moving our bodies in all different directions, we open up the circulation of life-force energy throughout our whole being.

Whether we want to think about this energy as actual circulation of blood, lymph, and oxygen, or more magically as “the force” or prana, the end result is the same. We FEEL BETTER. We feel YOUNGER, more vital, more ALIVE.

When we practice balancing, we improve our balance for a lifetime. We’re steady. Even in difficult situations.

When we practice breathing, we deliver oxygen, prana, LIFE FORCE ENERGY throughout our whole being. We add healthy years to our lives.

We’re more present with our LOVED ones (including ourselves. Yes, that is possible!)

Living Joyfully The essence of all these practices is ENJOYMENT.

We move and breathe in ways that help us recapture the youthful enjoyment of being ALIVE.

Plus it is just FUN to practice together. In a world where we’re increasingly cut off from one another through the fast pace of life, it’s so nice to come together and move and breathe in connection with the life force of the planet. We are CONNECTED to this sweet spring energy. And when we’re practicing we really FEEL it. Ahhh.

See you in class!
