Living Joyfully


Living JoyfullyIn the martial art I practiced, we had a saying:

Action Cures.

When you’re feeling stuck or unsure, it’s good to take stock of all your options. But after a while, hovering in this reviewing mode begins to take its toll. New vistas only open up when you take steps toward them.

When you never take those steps, you’re left with the same old view you’ve always seen.  Taking action doesn’t ensure success, but neither does staying stuck.

When we’re willing to be imperfect, we rise to the challenge of moving forward in the direction of our dreams.

Living JoyfullyThen, if we need to change course, we can do that along the way. When you’re not taking action, you can’t change course, because, well, you’re stuck.For example, if you’ve always wanted to start or deepen your yoga practice, but you never take action toward that, it will never happen. But if you take action on that dream and try a new class, at very least you will discover whether you like that class or not.

Living JoyfullyYou can adjust your course accordingly.

Whatever your hopes and dreams may be, know that YOU have the power to take action toward them. You are the one who can step up and say YES, I want this dream to become reality.

I was looking at a poster with my four-year-old daughter yesterday. It said, “Strive: When you accept hard work, your wildest dreams can come true.” Ava asked me, “Mama, what does that mean?” I told her:”I believe that when you step up and put some energy into the things you’re passionate about, the universe supports you.” She replied, “Mama, I’m ready to step up!”Are you?

See you in class!
