Stand taller
Breathe deeper
Feel younger
And that’s only the beginning!
Could you benefit from stress reduction?
Jin Shin Jyutsu is a gentle, light-touch therapy that promotes healing and brings deep rest and relaxation.
Enjoy an hour-long session designed to replenish your vital energy.
These are no ordinary times.
We are all living with unprecedented levels of vulnerability and uncertainty.
Working 1:1 is a great way to steady yourself on your path and gain clarity about new directions.
To schedule a FREE consultation, email:
Questions about any of these options? Email
I have just moved to Tubac and am interested in beginning yoga. I am physically challenged with limited mobility due to a compromised spine. I am mobile but have difficulty bending or being flexible. Do you have any advice as to where I can find a way to practice yoga?
I do! I’m sending you an email now and we can chat about it.